January 27, 2013

I consider myself good with words

But there's no words for how frustrated and disappointed I am right now with my husband. First we get locked out of our house because he didn't check to make sure he had housekeys. Then we suddenly dont have enough money to buy even the smallest bag of dog food.

The locked-out part is frustrating because he thinks we can get around paying the pet deposit in our rental...so we can't just call the realty people. We have zero dollars until payday so we can't pay a locksmith. I ended up calling the emergency line for the realty company anyway, but there's no answer. I still dont know what we're going to do with the dog if the guy comes to let us in.

The dog food is what really disappoints me. I know we don't have much left after bills are paid, but how can we not even have 10 bucks to buy some shitty brand of food so the pup can at least have a square meal?? Where does that money go?! Ax is supposed to be a provider, and considers himself the provider for our little family...what on earth is going on then??

I just want to go inside, make some tea and do some ironing to help get my fabric stash tidied up and unwrinkled. I need that time to myself to get over the disappointment I feel right now. Every time I look at Ax I get even more disappointed.


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