February 27, 2013

There are days that I don't even have words

for the strange things my husband and my dog do.

For example, I came out of the bathroom this morning to find my dog in his crate like this:

Just hanging out. Not chewing on a toy, not looking for something, just...laying there like that.

And then my husband, bless his attempts at interior decorating, had the slipcover for our couch on backwards. How you can do that when there is QUITE CLEARLY a front side (and a tag that says "CENTER OF BACK") I have yet to understand. He's deployed and somehow still manages to leave me weird surprises.

On an entirely unrelated note, Magpul will have our business for a lifetime. In case you haven't been following the story, Magpul manufactures accessories for firearms. They are based in CO, which is currently in the midst of a battle about assault weapons and "high-capacity" magazines. Not only has Magpul threatened to pull out of CO and relocate if the bill passes, they have now pledged that all residents of CO are able to buy up to 10 "high capacity" magazines before Magpul leaves. The CO people that put in their orders will get theirs ahead of other people who have been waiting for their parts and pieces since the CT shooting. And interestingly, there aren't a lot of disgruntled non-CO residents. I think they respect Magpul and the firearms community enough to not raise a stink, though it sucks that they will now have to wait longer for their supplies. Ax is the firearms nut in the house--I enjoy them but not to the extent he does--and I know this solidifies his decision to continue purchasing from them.

I started a deployment journal; made from a Smash Book. Walmart has all sorts of stickers and shit designed for the books, so I'll probably pick some up when I'm out. I haven't decided if I'm going to let Matt read it or if it's just going to be for me. Either way, I've been catching up in it--I had a small journal started on my phone, but there's only so much space and I've started having more to say.

Hand-quilting his anchor blanket is slow progress as well, because SOMEONE with four paws seems to think it's his personal sleeping bag. Sigh. But Mr. Four-Paws is now zonked out on the couch after a walk and playing outside for a solid 45 minutes. At night he "talks" in his sleep and it's pretty damned funny to listen to. He often wakes himself up with his woofing.

And now I'm off to find something to do. I have a FRG meeting tomorrow that I don't really want to go to, but am going anyway for the human interaction. I hope most of the women decide to drop their kids off for the babysitting. I don't like kids (minus a RARE few). I especially don't like kids who constantly interrupt a conversation.

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